I work at the University of Greenwich, UK, where we have been carrying out aquaponics research since 2014. I am particularly interested in using aquaponics as an educational tool, and I am a member of the Aquaponics Association STEM Working Group. In collaboration with colleagues from Switzerland, Spain and Slovenia, I developed the ‘Aqu@teach’ aquaponics curriculum for higher education. The open access e-learning course is available on our project website https://aquateach.wordpress.com/
Hi all, excited to be a part of this association and to explore the resources and knowledge of its members. I have a DIY backyard hydroponic set up with a vision to merge into Aquaponics. Currently I am brainstorming the idea of tapping into a natural spring below my house to use in my next set up. Any insight would be appreciated. thanks! Sandra
Hi All, wow this group is growing. I Own a small commercial farm with 6 tunnels and a fish house. My fish of choice is Rainbow trout which is challenging to say the least in central South Africa. I have been at this for 7 years, starting as a hobbyist and systematically growing. I’m also the present chair of the Aquaponics Association of South Africa. We have many challenges here and mostly regulatory, seen as a stepchild in two departments. Department of Agriculture and land reform and the Department of environmental affairs, forestry’s and fisheries each with their own rules. We also present a range of courses in our state of the art training Centre with Big screen microscope for fish dissection’s and working systems of all types.

Working at the South Westfalia University of Applied Sciences in the agricultural department researching urban and peri-urban agriculture.
Our small aquaponic system with european catfish and DWC grow beds in Soest (roundabout 60 m² in total) is currently offline due to Corona.
Active aquaponics related projects:
proGIreg (https://hansagruen.de/). In the Dortmund living lab we are going to build two identical foil tunnel based systems. One is our control and the other is going to be modified for finding resource optimization solutions. We are aiming for a passive solar “clever tech” approach. Currently awaiting the build permit (est sumer 2021). Progess will be documented on the Hansagrün website.
Close The Loop (https://www4.fh-swf.de/de/home/forschung/forschungshighlights/close_the_loop)
Researching circular systems for urban food production including aquaponics. In this project we are aiming to quantify resource streams and loop closing potential of different production modules (aquaponics, mushrooms, microgreens, etc)
Chemical engineer with strong computer background.
Great to have you here, Romor, those are great projects!
Please give a warm welcome welcome to 11 new community members:
- Albert Jansen van Rosendaal (@Albert)
- Andrew Gregson (@greenlabgranja)
- Baboka (@Nsimba)
- Chantelle O'Gorman (@thebogconnection)
- Hassan Ali Sokkery (@mkac002)
- Ikhsan Ichan (@IkhsanIchan)
- Pablo Intriago (@pintriago)
- Pranjal (@pranjalagrawal24)
- Samuel (@NativeAmish)
- sifangyuan (@gibbonsifangyuan)
- [email protected] (@Soros74)
Please introduce yourselves by replying to this post or starting a new topic. We would love to know more about you.
I’m working at Fontys University of Applied science, Faculty Applied natural sciences.
We are exploring the science of aquaponics. In the coming month we will build en very small aquaponics system to test some measuring equipment.
My background is chemistry of study and I was born in an agricultural environment.
Al home I’m building a small system of approx. 250L and several small grow beds.
Please give a warm welcome welcome to 6 new community members:
- Abdoulaye djiguiba (@Amondo)
- Flora Terah (@Terah)
- Jessica Scannell (@scannelj)
- Noloas (@Rabie)
- Stanley C Arington (@sarington)
- Thomas Waniewski (@GrowSpan)
Please introduce yourselves by replying to this post or starting a new topic. We would love to know more about you.
Hi and thank you for sharing. I am currently trying to apply for federal grants but I am finding the process a bit confusing to navigate. Any tips?
-fellow educator and aquaponics nut
Hi All,
I was a marine biologist from Australia for 13 years now I am living and working as an educator in the USA. I currently have an aquaponics project running in my classroom but I am in the process of applying for federal grants to build an aquaponics facility for our High School. We are a boarding school so the food from the facility would feed the students directly as well as an educational tool. I am new to the rules and regulations America so I am looking for as much help as possible and I am so glad I found this online community.
thank you
Please give a warm welcome welcome to 9 new community members:
- (@PierreFoucard)
- Aaron Powers (@Apowers76)
- German (@tokitoreyesbelen)
- James Glucina (@James)
- Jessica H (@squigg)
- Kelly (@freshfamilyfarming)
- Kyle Jones (@who23)
- Sierra Mahseelah (@1sierrarose)
- Susan Culp (@SusanCulp)
Please introduce yourselves by replying to this post or starting a new topic. We would love to know more about you.
Please give a warm welcome welcome to 6 new community members:
- (@Suhasrg)
- Alan R (@aljris)
- Amber Mutchler (@Cairoamber)
- Courtney Prince (@Princec740)
- John D Walker (@jdwalker)
- John Kowalski (@babacita)
Please introduce yourselves by replying to this post or starting a new topic. We would love to know more about you.
Hi all,
I am a retired network engineer who has played around with aquaponics for 10 years and now am looking into getting serious about it.
My plan is to produce for home and offer visits to the surrounding schools and STEM classes.
Please give a warm welcome welcome to 54 new community members:
- (@Lil77)
- (@squirrelGoddess)
- ANDREAS KOLIANTRIS (@akoliandris)
- Adam (@FloGardens)
- Adam (@unityaquaponics)
- Anthony Ball (@aball5)
- Bazil Shahriman (@bazil03)
- Ben Wisehaupt (@bwisehaupt)
- Cara (@cara)
- Carl F Mazur (@carlmazur)
- Chris (@texasorganicmatters)
- Christine Zimmermann-Loessl (@AVF)
- Councilman (@james.sanchez)
- Craig Spark (@lucrum8)
- Daniel Allen (@dmallen7215)
- Daniel Armour (@fintoleaf)
- David Wickboldt (@davidwickboldt)
- David Wisehaupt (@dwisehaupt)
- Don M Aguilkard (@VeggieDon)
- ECORGANICS (@Aquaponics_Mauritius)
- Eghomwanre Ekunwe (@Usenfarms)
- Fares (@fareshassouna)
- Gerard (@gerardpunch)
- Gina Misra (@ginamisra)
- Haris Ghani (@harishanan)
- Isabelle (@_izzy)
- Jay Remotti (@jaymottz)
- Jeni (@jsblackburn06)
- Jim (@jim1)
- Jos Hakkennes (@hakkennes19)
- Kenneth chio (@kcc1)
- Kerry B (@primowatertech)
- Kerry Karvas (@rkkarvas)
- Kirsten L. Bailey (@Kirsten)
- Kolby Beemer (@beemerfisheries)
- Kyle King (@kwking94)
- Lance Beecher (@lbeeche)
- Lawrence Worker (@larsworker)
- Lawrence cooper (@Lawrence)
- Madeleine Mirassou (@Margaux)
- Martin (@mheather)
- Maryam Arbie (@maryam.arbie)
- Melissa Rollizo (@melissarollizo)
- Michael Horan (@mikehoran)
- Paul Niu (@pniu)
- Paulo Ferreira (@pferreira)
- R.L. Grant III (@RLGrant3)
- Rick Raney (@rick.raney)
- Terry Stratton (@terry2772)
- donna.johnson (@donna.johnson)
- glenn.glinski (@glenn.glinski)
- mahmoud (@w.elceasar)
- mlanders59 (@mlanders59)
- (@Leslie)
Please introduce yourselves by replying to this post or starting a new topic. We would love to know more about you.
Hi Jon,
Great to meet you. I just join as the Aquaponic Association yesterday. I look forward to working with you and learning more about cutting edge developments in aquaponics, especially as it relates to environmental monitoring and control systems. I want to build a very robust system that will work across different plant and fish species combinations.
All the best to you and all the members.
Please give a warm welcome welcome to 14 new community members:
- (@rkalbach)
- ALPHONSO C COLES (@hotcoles)
- Antonio Manuel da Silva Ferreira (@Antonioferreira)
- Deanna Brown (@catching.brown)
- Faheem Shah (@faheemshahnust)
- Kayla Waldorff (@kayla.waldorff)
- Keith Wong (@keithwong)
- Kylie Gappa (@kyliegappa)
- Martin (@MartinDosatron)
- Reza Ovissipour (@Reza)
- Rob 3 (@Xer6)
- Victoria Mirowski (@Victoria)
- nouar (@rabie10)
Please introduce yourselves by replying to this post or starting a new topic. We would love to know more about you.
Hi everyone. My name is CHABUNGBAM NIRANJIT KHUMAN (you can call me NIRANJIT). 29/male. I am from Manipur, India. I came to know about AQUAPONICS during my M Tech (Aquacultural Engineering; 2016-2018) in IIT Kharagpur . Through the courses, I learned of the burden of water treatment and recycling involved in Aquaculture. The way aquaponics gets rid of all those problems fascinated me. I love aquaponics.
I am planning to start my farm in the coming 4-5 months. I joined this community to seek advices, tips or even consultancy (if anybody offers).
Hello Everyone,
I am faheem shah from National University of Science and Technology Islamabad Pakistan. I am working as a software engineer in a “Smart Solar Powered Machine Learning Based Aquaponics System”.
We have developed an IoT System to monitor Aquaponics farms. We also developed a web based application to help aquaponics farmers in planning,analysing and developing an Aquaponics farm.It also enables aquaponics farmers to visualize water quality parameters.
Farm analyzer and calculator is publicly available at https://aquapotronics.com feel free to use them. You can also contact us if you are interested in the web portal and IoT based aquaponics monitoring system.
Faheem Shah
Software Engineer
NUST Islamabad, Pakistan