Category Topics

Aquaponics Job Board

Looking for a job or have a position you need to fill? Post your listing here and let people know you’re #opentowork or #hiring. Please be as descriptive as you can with the job requirements or your skillset so that we can ensure quality leads.


A category exclusive to members with trust level 3 and higher.



The Aquaponics Association Board will be posting all news and updates here. Be sure to subscribe to it to get all notifications as they happen!

Affiliates Corner

This is where the Aquaponics Association Affiliates share their news, updates, events, deals, and new releases. If you’re interested in becoming an affiliate member please check out the main website.


This category is for the very things you find useful in your management and operation of Aquaponics. This can range from logistical to research to informational to science and horticulture or any other field that is aquaponic-related. It will open good quality discussions on the topic and we will all learn more as we work together to research and grow.

Aquaponics Conference

Greetings and welcome to the Aquaponics Conference forum! Here you can ask all your questions, engage with conference topics, learn about upcoming events and stay up-to-date with the latest conference information.

Feedback & Support

Discussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.