Update on designer feeds for Aquaponic Systems

TILAFeed: A bio-based inventory for circular nutrients management and achieving bioeconomy in future aquaponics

Aquaponics currently provides us with a scalable model for a sustainable food
system. However what if we made that model even better? A focus of our work at
Regen Aquaculture is driving the charge toward building replicable farms based
on circular agriculture.

:bulb: As circular bioeconomy greatly emphasizes developing bio-based solutions,
the presented novel inventory ‘TilaFeed’ and its associated utility tools is a
step towards achieving more circular nutrient utilization and bioeconomy in
future aquaponics.

:pushpin:Research Highlights:
:arrow_forward: Presented inventory may aid in centralized and ‘one formula’ solutions for
:arrow_forward: Avoid or limit artificial fertilizer use in aquaponics by smartly tailored
:arrow_forward: Equip system managers with improved nutrient management of their aquaponic
:arrow_forward: Compatible with nutrient formulation software using linear or stochastic

:dart: Based on TilaFeed-Model, feed for future aquaponics may be more precisely
formulated with the principle that nutrients are not only a resource for fish,
but excreted nutrients from fish (feed) also fertilize the microbes and

:open_book: The present study delivers an important contribution to improve the
nutrients efficiency of aquaponics. It introduces an Excel workbook concerning
nutrient components (both for fish and plants) which is compatible with
nutrient formulation software.

Read more:https://buff.ly/3xUwDqx

#economics, #feed, #new-technology, #software, #aquaculture, #aquaponics, #biologicalsystems, #education, #fishnutrition, #hydroponics, #regenaquaculture, #regenerativeagriculture, #regenerativeaquaculture, #youarewhatyoueat