Super Early Bird Tix Expire Tomorrow!

Just a heads up that our Super Early Bird tickets for The 2022 Aquaponics Conference in Oklahoma City are now only $269 and expire June 30!

We’ll be in Oklahoma City, OK September 30 - October 2 at the Downtown OKC Sheraton. It’ll be our first in-person conference in 3 years and we already have lots of cool social events lined up!

Presentation Proposals!! I know we always procrastinate, but it’s time to start submitting presentation proposals! Here’s helpful links:

Presentation Proposals: Call for Proposals - 2022 Aquaponics Association Conference

Tickets: Get Your Tickets for the 2022 Conference — The Aquaponics Conference

Sponsorships: Sponsorships — The Aquaponics Conference

STEM / Community Discount: STEM Education & Community Discount — The Aquaponics Conference

Hope to see you in OKC this Fall!


I don’t suppose there will be a Zoom option for this conference?

No, we are not planning on it, but we are planning on recording all sessions and offering them for sale shortly afterwards.

Okay, thank you. I look forward to seeing them.