Our edible flowers kind of went crazy

Just for fun :smiley: Anyone else have some wild plants?


This was a school rooftop. I left this system on “autopilot” over the summer, minimal fish feed or attention, just left this monster chard to suck out nutrients. When i harvested the root trunk was like 4 inch diameter!


Yummy haha. We did some Shiso earlier this year and then had a very strict lockdown in Jordan (couldn’t leave the house for 6 weeks) by the time we harvested it the roots had … ya know … eaten our aeration lines :stuck_out_tongue:


Our chard really grows very well too. Interesting to see that they can become that big. :slight_smile:

Careful growing Chard to long in DWC they will bust your boards pretty fast if you grow them to long.


My still young tomatoes are coming up nice. But not like yours!

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Your tomatoe could use some DTPA Iron, Magnesium Sulfate, and potassium. You really want to put fruiting crops in a dual root zone pot to help maximize yields, flavor, and disease resistance.