Off flavor in fish/shrimp

How many of you have experienced off flavor in your fish? That does not seem to be overly common, but we are considering some work in this area.

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Good morning, I have read somewhere that you need to separate the fish you are going to kill/eat for a day in a fresh Watertank for a day without giving them any food to purge their bodies. Also after killing the fish you need to run a spike along the spine to relax the muscles and avoiding stress hormones to kill the taste. That’s about what I know, hope it helps. Kind regards

Dr. Brown,
We purge our fish before it goes to customers. What type of research are you going to conduct? I’m interested to see novel approaches in fish depuration processes apart from those that have been reported by Freshwater Institute.

We do not have anything planned, The topic came up and it seems there is a lower incidence of off flavor in aquaponic systems. Just checking to see if that is true. The studies out of Freshwater are the ones to check for purging.

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