Looking for aquaponic experts to help with National Science Foundation Project!

Hi There!

I would appreciate any volunteers that could comment below to talk with me (approx. 20min) about the biggest problems you experience with aquaponics.

These interviews will help us innovate aquaponics to grow the industry!

Thank you for your time!
Cori Byrge

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Hi Cori!

We’ve been running our small commercial operation for little over a year now and have recently expanded our operation. I would be happy to speak with you.


Hello Wyndale Gardens! Thank you SO much for commenting! Can you please email me with your availability for when you might be able to interview this week or next week? [email protected]

Really looking forward to learning from you!

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Hello @Cori I would be happy to share my experiences with you from small hobby and home systems right through to designing and installing and running commerical aquaponic farms.

I can pop you an email too.
