Dear fellow aquaponic enthusiasts,
after careful consideration with regard to recent geopolicital events I decided to withdraw from this platform. I am grateful for having had the opportunity to be part of this community, and thankful that you hosted me as a non-US guest. Much appreciated!
From this time forward I will not contribute to knowledge exchange in any US based community of forum. I will also attempt as far as practically possible to refrain from purchasing or using US produced products or services.
I understand that the community here is dedicated to sustainable food production, and that this is not a political platform. I appreciate your enthusiasm and respect the work that you are doing.
Please understand that the leadership the majority of your people voted for opted for bullying of international friends, allies and trading partners, seemingly under the assumption that everything else not touched by the actions of this government would simply stay the same.
This can not be the case. One can not start kicking everybody else in the balls and then assume that they will just swallow it and continue to play nice.
I am hopeful that things will change for the better in the future. This is something we all will have to work for. If you are not satisfied with the work of your government, I encourage you to not only be disgruntledly swearing into your beard. Please go out and act.
That said, again thank you for having had me as a guest.
Best regards!