How to get access as a membership?

Hello to everyone.

Just recently I bought a membership. But for now I can’t open these link.

Can you help we with that ?

Best regards


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Hey Mike!
Thanks for reaching out. We are looking into the situation to try and solve your problem. Stay tuned!

Thank a lot. Waiting this problem to be solved. If i need to pay more, please let we know …

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Hello communications, I am having the same problem. Please, let me know how to proceed. Thanks, Clara.

I am still truing to enter this section - and it doesn’t work - Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private…

Hi Clara - it doesn’t look like you have an active membership. If that’s not the case, please reach out to us at [email protected] for more troubleshooting.

Thanks for messaging Clara - hope the issue is fixed! Thank you for your membership, we’re happy to have you!

Hi Mike - I think we might need to schedule a quick Zoom call for troubleshooting as everything I’ve tried on my end seems to look like it should. I’ll send you an email to coordinate further. Apologies again for this issue - I’m hoping we can get it sorted out soon!