Free E-Book: The Forgotten History of Modern Aquaponics

I could not upload the EPUB version so I converted it to PDF;

The Forgotten History of Modern Aquaponics (1).pdf (319.3 KB)

Has anyone else read this? If so, what are your thoughts?


While there may be some things to be learned from this system, the benefits and approaches are lost in an endless tirade of backbiting, criticism, and an overwhelming belief that they have all the answers, no-one else has any valuable input and we have all missed the boat by not doing it their way. I would likely be inclined to research their work but they are busy feeling cheated out of heir spotlight in aquaponics history.

Ah yes, that really affects the growth of the tomatoes and send my pH in a spiral…LOL :smile:

Seriously though, I know quite a few people in the AP industry that, in my opinion, should be in jail for some things they have done - but that is completely irrelevant to the field of aquaponic itself.

Just as rejecting mathematics due to a personal dislike for a teacher would be irrational, dismissing iAVS because of perceived negativity from individuals discussing it ignores the system’s scientifically proven benefits.

What if one of the best chefs in the world discovered an amazing new recipe but instead of cooking it you chose to dismiss it because of your personal feelings about that chef…it wouldn’t make sense, nor, in my opinion, is it natural or healthy to possess so much hatred towards a person or group of people that it prevents you from doing something that you may really like.