Benefits of being a paid member?

Not sure if there are any paid members which are willing to share the experience of becoming a paid member, what did you find beneficial by becoming a paid member of AA, thanks.


I recently joined to get access to the resources from the conference. I havent dug in to them much yet though.

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Thanks @Kimichip for your reply…looks like being paid member is worth if one wants to access webinars and materials from the conferences.


Hi there!
Benefits of memberships include as mentioned access to exclusive content such as webinars or other recorded videos. Membership benefits also include discounted tickets for certain events (annual aquaponics conference, indoor ag-con, etc.) as well as other access to exclusive content on the community site (Members only).

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Also if you have a company you should consider an affiliate membership!

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Additionally, being a paid member displays your support to the Aquaponic Association and allows the board members to take on high level projects that drive industry growth that will inevitably benefit you and many others within the aquaponic industry!

Thank you for your response to this question and your participation in the community forum!

Actually I can’t find the webinars which decreases the value of paid membership…!
I did follow the instructions of logging in and looking for the “Members” category, but even though am shown as a paid member, the “Members” category doesn’t show up for me.

Kimichip, that’s odd, you should be able to see a green box with “Members” under Categories on the left hand menu. If you’re not able to, please reach out to [email protected] and I’ll see what I can do to get that fixed.

Access to the jobs board and discount for the conference.

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If anyone has an issue with the Members site not showing up or working, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at [email protected] and we will get that fixed for you. Although there can be technical bugs we’re dedicated to sharing those resources with our members.

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