Aquaponics, coupled or de-coupled, an Aquaculture design point of view

Hi Guys,

First post here, though i would start a discussion on coupled vs de-coupled aquaponics systems. the past 19 years i have seen a lot of system designs and seen the progression of aquaponics systems, this is my breakdown of the two approaches and what i think are the advantages and disadvantages, with some of the more important points expanded on after.

For those not in the know:

Coupled - The plants and the fish share the same water, same pH, same nutrient concentration, same water flow

De-coupled - The Fish culture system and plant culture system are separate, allowing design and control of each system independent of each other.

Coupled systems


  • Easy to set up
  • not as much infrastructure required
  • All water is one body, meaning that pH control, water changes etc are done once (easy to maintain)
  • Less pumps needed, the flow from the grow beds can be used as the fish tank circulation


  • no control over independent pH levels
  • limited ability to treat fish in event of disease
  • can result in higher levels of suspended solids in grow beds/grow trays due to sharing water
  • requires either online remineralisation, which can result in higher nutrient levels in fish tanks, or off line remineralisation which requires extra infrastructure

De-coupled systems


  • Independent control over pH levels, the pH and other water parameters can be optimised for the fish and plants separately
  • Fish can be treated in the event of disease without any harm to plants through elevated salinity or other treatments, water can then be exchanged and filtered (through activated carbon for example) before bringing back online to feed nutrient to the plant system
  • Plant system can be adjusted for nutrient deficiency, disease issues without harming fish
  • Organic or inorganic nutrients can be added to supplement for short falls in nutrient output from the aquaculture system, or in the event that the fish system is being isolated/treated for disease to minimise or eliminate output in plant production
  • At start up phase, or after harvesting, if fish are small and feed rates are low, plant system can again be supplemented with nutrient until nutrient output from aquaculture system increases
  • remineralisation can be online in the plant growing area for continuous feed of high nutrient water into the plant system (waste can be dumped directly into into remineralisation tank and water overflows to plant system sump)
  • finer filtration can be put on plant growing system due to lower levels of produced solids, resulting in higher quality water being sent back to the plants, less blocking of roots, and maintaining cleaner media beds
  • You can heat or chill just the aquaculture system instead of the whole system, saving on power due to a smaller volume of water
  • Aquaculture system can be put inside and temperature controlled easier, while plants are outside in poly tunnel in cooler climates and not effecting overall water temperature
  • potential for much higher output on both sides
  • a separate solids/biological filter can be placed on the return to the plants, polishing water and providing more stability biologically to the plants


  • higher set up costs
  • more infrastructure requirement initially
  • potential for slightly higher running costs depending on design and set up
  • two bodies of water to test and maintain
  • slightly more room required
  • higher level of knowledge required to set up and maintain

Independent pH levels -

Fish, generally speaking, like a pH above 7.5, with some exceptions for hardier fish like tilapia that can take it.

a pH above 7.5 maximises growth by matching the pH of the fishes blood closer.

It also provides more alkalinity (recommended levels of 50-70ppm or more) meaning that the pH is not as unstable as it is at lower alkalinity levels, and that bacteria have access to the important carbonates they need for nitrification.

Plants on the other hand, work best a pH levels between 6 and 7 for nutrient availability (generally speaking)

now you can find a happy medium, but you get the best out of both, meaning pH will be less stable, you will have to supplement alkalinity in smaller amounts, so not to push pH too high, but more often, as the alkalinity reserve is depleted quicker and pH become unstable faster.

having the systems decoupled, means you can put both systems at their own pH levels, have them on dosing systems to maintain these pH levels, and not have to worry about fish getting stressed from lower pH or the plants not growing as well from having a high pH water.

On line remineralisation -

In a coupled system this can result in solids getting back to the system and having to be re-filtered out.

As it does in a decoupled system.

And there are solutions for both, but de-coupled systems can handle it better, for a few reasons:

  1. You can have a semi online remineralisation tank that you just top up whenever you drain solids from the aquaculture system, this then overflows into the plant growing/hydroponic system either automatically or manually, and you drain a percentage of the waste at regular intervals (every 15-30 days)

  2. as the solids production is far lower in the plant system, a fines filter, like a sand filter with inert media in it, a static bed filter etc can be placed on the return, which filters water mechanically, resulting in cleaner water going to the plants, but also the biological stability from the filter offers advantages in nutrient breakdown (excess ammonia from incomplete remineralisation for example) this also means media beds stay much cleaner, this is especially important to labour in semi commercial or commercial systems

there are designs for aeration basins that maintain mixing and aerobic breakdown of solids in remineralisation tanks while minimising overflow of said solids to the plants growing system (or back into the coupled aquaponics system) that help here significantly.

Higher output -

we know that remineralisation results in higher output, its been proven, but what isn’t considered is the effect on specific water quality parameters to maximise growth of fish and plants.

You simply cannot optimise growth for both species unless you have a species of fish that like living at the optimal culture ranges for plants, and more importantly, its growth is not affected by those parameters (tilapia would be one of the few)

pH, temperature, conductivity, background nutrient levels, DO and circulation are all factors here.

Disease outbreaks and health issues -

I sincerely hope it doesn’t happen to you, but inevitably it will, mortality and disease are something we have to live with.

firstly, its much less likely to happen with better control over water parameters and biosecurity in both systems, happier fish and plants means better immune resistance and less disease.

This also means you can treat with things that either the fish will tolerate but the plants wont (salt for example) or something the plants will tolerate but the fish wont (chlorine, high levels or ozone, other plant treatments).

Biotech Aquatica advocates for decoupled systems as they allow better control over system parameters as well as higher production overall, but we also help to optimise coupled systems with newer designs, system upgrades and diagnostics of water parameters and operations.

I might have missed some things, but this is more of a conversation starter to see what everyone thinks, and to give you an idea of my design approach and experience.

I hope it can be beneficial to some.

Gareth (Jim)


Thank you for doing this.

Sorry for being brief, I do not have time atm for a more elaborate answer.

Been following this discussion for quite a while. My opinion:

Discussion lacks distinction bewteen one-loop vs multi-loop systems. Oftentimes coupled is used synonymous with one-loop where all the water passes thru hydro and aqua at the same rate. But coupled can be realized with multi-loop which gives more options to optimize.

Usually pH rises in the hydro, which counters the pH drop in nitrification. In total pH still drops. In decoupled system one needs to pH manage in both systems. In coupled the trends are partly canceling out.

It is easy to adjust alkalinity in coupled systems also. Just use CaCO03 for pH management.

Would like to see some actual data on growth performance decline with lower pH. Would like to see the actual impact. Catfish seem to prefer lower pH. A grower I worked with told me he would run them below 6 if he were sure the biofilte would take it. I think at 6.5 the impact will be neglible for most fish species.

Nutrient lockout (and thus performance decline) on plant side is over estimated IMHO. Around 6.5 things are fine.

Biofilter performance… a) I think running at lower pH simply darwinizes the biome. Nitrification will still take place. b) just oversize the biofilter in aquaponics compared to solo aquaculture. The added cost will be neglible compared to total CAPEX.

Remineralization: I do not understand the argument why decoupled can take it better. We do have a semi-online remineralisation as you described in a couple system. I don’t uderstand how a decoupled system would differ and provide a benefit here.

Ebb and Flow growbeds catch and remineralize solids quite nicely. Adding earth worms helps a lot with that. Adding an e&f growbed to a system helps a lot.

Ad disease outbreaks: It is possible (and recommended) to design a coupled system as a multi-loop, and design it in a way that allows for separating the two systems and running them for themselves.
We can run our hydro and aquaculture completely separated side by side. This allows us for example to add nutrients on the plant side if needed, without impacting the fish. We simply separate for a day or two and supplement nutrients. Plants will take up the nutrient spike and when EC settles a little we re-start recirculating to the aquaculture.
The alledged lack of control in coupled systems comes from not distinguishing one-loop and multi-loop.

Sorry, have to rush… let’s keep discussing!

Good Morning! cheers for the reply. Ill reply below.

Discussion lacks distinction bewteen one-loop vs multi-loop systems. Oftentimes coupled is used synonymous with one-loop where all the water passes thru hydro and aqua at the same rate. But coupled can be realized with multi-loop which gives more options to optimize.

I agree here yes, multi loop allows you to separate if needed, but not permanently control water parameters in each, which is my preference.

Usually pH rises in the hydro, which counters the pH drop in nitrification. In total pH still drops. In decoupled system one needs to pH manage in both systems. In coupled the trends are partly canceling out.

this is true to an extent, but controlling pH in a coupled system means a lower pH overall for both culture species (fish and plants) and its not optimal for the majority of species or for the plants IMO.

It is easy to adjust alkalinity in coupled systems also. Just use CaCO03 for pH management.

Yes it is, however i wouldnt use calcium, carbonate, its highly insoluable and hard to regulate changes in pH.

As i mentioned you also need to maintain a much lower alkalinity, less alkalinity reserve to maintain a lower pH means it gets depleated faster. which means you need to adjust smaller amount more often and the pH is more unstable.

Would like to see some actual data on growth performance decline with lower pH. Would like to see the actual impact. Catfish seem to prefer lower pH. A grower I worked with told me he would run them below 6 if he were sure the biofilte would take it. I think at 6.5 the impact will be neglible for most fish species.

Some species will handle it yes, but most aquaculture species wont and have a pH demand much higher than that of a coupled aquaponics system. there is pl;enty of data and papers out there onj this subject onj a multitude of species.

Nutrient lockout (and thus performance decline) on plant side is over estimated IMHO. Around 6.5 things are fine.

Yes thats fine for the plants but for the majority of fish species it isnt optimum

Biofilter performance… a) I think running at lower pH simply darwinizes the biome. Nitrification will still take place. b) just oversize the biofilter in aquaponics compared to solo aquaculture. The added cost will be neglible compared to total CAPEX.

With respect, i do not agree with this at all.

Remineralization: I do not understand the argument why decoupled can take it better. We do have a semi-online remineralisation as you described in a couple system. I don’t uderstand how a decoupled system would differ and provide a benefit here.

Ebb and Flow growbeds catch and remineralize solids quite nicely. Adding earth worms helps a lot with that. Adding an e&f growbed to a system helps a lot.

Myh comments c ome for an aquaculture design point of view, in a commercial setting it makes perfect sense.

Ad disease outbreaks: It is possible (and recommended) to design a coupled system as a multi-loop, and design it in a way that allows for separating the two systems and running them for themselves.
We can run our hydro and aquaculture completely separated side by side. This allows us for example to add nutrients on the plant side if needed, without impacting the fish. We simply separate for a day or two and supplement nutrients. Plants will take up the nutrient spike and when EC settles a little we re-start recirculating to the aquaculture.
The alledged lack of control in coupled systems comes from not distinguishing one-loop and multi-loop.

Lack of control i was referring to was due to water parameter control, and the data is clear on this, however i agree, with multi loop you can seperate in the event of a disease, its harder than already having them seperated with de-coupled but yes it can be done.

All in all i think decoupled has more advanatges than disadvantages in aquaponics, yes there is a place for both, and in the end it comes down to the designer and also the opperater, and what they prefer.

what i will say is, in terms of a commercial or even semi commercial operation, decoupled is far more popular, and easy to run.

However, there are ways to make coupled work really too. such a pH dosing being automated, correct species selection, correct growing method selected for plants, and efficient prefiltration for both fish and plants.

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These are some great discussions!

If I could add in some input here as well:

Multi-loop can absolutely be designed in a manner where you still have permanent control of water parameters in each. Especially through the integration of mineralization chambers as well as desalination loops.

Controlling pH through the manual addition of buffers seems to becoming a thing of the past, automated controls are becoming very affordable and would alleviate any issues of large pH swings when operating an aquaponic system at lower alkalinity concentrations. @BiotechAquatica I noticed you mentioned this at the end of your previous response after I typed this out.

While the pH can certainly be an issue for SOME aquaculture species, most fish species can tolerate and still perform without any significant effects on growth in a coupled AQP system. Especially if you slowly acclimate them to lower pH and maintain the lower pH within a steady range (no more than 0.1 swings). @BiotechAquatica - are your referring to any fish species in particular? (Atlantic Salmon, Trout, etc.?)

I think something that is currently lacking with decoupled vs coupled design arguments are the following:

  1. A standardized decoupled multi-loop model that is cost-effective. Once there is a model than a research project comparing the decoupled multi-loop model to Proven coupled models such as UVI w/ incorporation of mineralization. This should be done with multiple fish species, some of which may not be as tolerable to lower pH’s to justify the argument for decoupled models. After all most of the fish species that are more sensitive to WQ issues typically are more valuable, so any reductions in growth could significantly cut into profits.

  2. LCA and Technoeconomic analysis for a standardized multi-loop decoupled model to determine where improvements can be made on the model. Labor costs are a particular issue for decoupled models.

Dr. Wilson Lennards Symbioponics book has an interesting take on coupled and decoupled models, and he has seem to found quite a bit of success in further increasing yields in coupled designs through closely monitoring of nutrient concentrations in the system water.

Look forward to more fruitful discussions!

Great points here.

I agree automation with doing pumps has really helped here.

The species i refer to are mostly australian species, generally speaking they do better at high pH levels, and i have seen too many issue with low alkalinity and poor biofilter performance to make me comfortable with it.

Barramundi, jade perch, silver perch, murray cod, they all seem to do much better at high pH levels with higher alkalinity, and so does the biofilter.

I will agree though that some species can do well at lower pH levels.

The main aspect here is optimisation of growth, which in a commercial setting is very important.

With correct pump sizing and friction loss calculations, there is very little if zero difference, in fact it can sometime to be more energy efficient when comparing coupled to decoupled designs, but again this comes down to design.

Its more about advantages and advantages to each, you can design a coupled system to run similar to a decoupled system and vice versa, in the end it all comes down to personal preference.

Great discussion! Thanks!

I would love to hear your take on this.

Nitrifying bacteria have optimum growth and metabolic parameters:

  • pH above 7, above 7.5 if possible
  • Alkalinity, nitrifying bacteria require alkalinity as part of their metabolism to convert ammonia and nitrite

these are the two things that make maintaining pH in the higher ranges important for biofilter performance.

Whilst constant application of alklinity will somewhat solve the alkalinity issue, in essence, lower alkalinity levels essentially leave biofilters in a state of semi starvation, resulting in lower conversion of ammonia and nitrite per unit of biomass in the biofilter.

Lower pH which result from a lower alkalinity then impacts metabolism negatively.

what you will see at lower pH levels is a higher abundance of hetertrophs (verse autotrophic nitrifiers) these use more oxygen per unit of ammonia and nitrite converted, and are usually poresent when excess organic carbon is present.

No, lewt me state, this is coming from a commercial Aquaculture design point of view, in a home aquaponics system, you can get by.

In a commercial or even semi commercial application, it makes sense to optimise where possible.

Thank you for elaborating on this! Much appreciated.

I think my argument still stands. If the operational conditions are not at the optimum bacterial performance, nitrification will still happen. Albeit at a lower performance. This is why I argue to counter this with a larger biofilter to compensate for the lower performance.
This is not a boolean thing, but rather a gradual thing.

I do not care whether the bacteria are operating in their optimal range as long as in total the biofilter has the capacity to remove ammonia and convert to nitrate at a rate that is needed by the rest of my system.
As said, the additional Capex is neglible.

To tackle it from the other side of the argument: You’re saying it is not a good thing to run the biofilter at not optimal conditions. How does “not a good thing” manifest? Ammonia water levels could run off if the biofilter is not capable to handle the load. As a result, the biofilter “crashes”. In the low pH systems I saw, this has never happened. The biofilter was always large enough to handle the load.

I see no reason to not running a biofilter in the optimal range and to compensate by over dimensioning.

And as I said, I think the biome over time will adapt.
Maybe not 100%, but at least a little bit.