Aquaponics AI is now FarmHub® - A new chapter in our journey

Hello, Aquaponic Enthusiasts!

We have some exciting news to share with you all - our beloved Aquaponics AI has now transitioned into FarmHub®! Just like how changing a name symbolizes a new beginning in someone’s life, FarmHub represents a new phase in our journey towards creating a positive impact on agriculture.

Our journey began in Amman, Jordan, where we ran farm monitoring software. Over the last two years, we have had the privilege of collaborating with farmers from around the world, from Alaska to Australia, India to Central America. We have been inspired by the creativity and resilience of farmers and have worked alongside organizations such as Kentucky State University and EAU in Canada to scale operations of commercial farmers.

As FarmHub®, we’re excited to take on new challenges and provide cutting-edge technology to farmers worldwide. We’re committed to creating an ecosystem of collaboration with labs and sensors that will facilitate a seamless exchange of knowledge and resources. With our expertise in hydroponics and aquaculture, we’ll provide you with invaluable insights that will transform the way you approach farming.

The future of farming is here, and we’re ready to unlock a whole new level of success for your farm. Join us on this journey towards innovation and growth - let’s make a positive impact on agriculture together!

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