2020 China Aquaponics Conference: topics

The open invitation for foreign speakers is now closed due to the lack of interpreters. However, if anybody is interested in sharing a pre-recorded video at the conference, you are still welcomed. Besides, this event is free for anybody to attend. The problem is that we don’t have interpreters to translate the entire conference live. You are welcomed to attend if you can understand Mandarin. The meeting will be held at the Voov meeting on Dec. 19th. The room numbers and passwords will be updated in this post.

Here is a list of topics and more to come:

Discussion: Re-translate and define Aquaponics
老宋:Small scale Aquaponics with a drum filter
周薇:Diagnose, prevention, and treatment of common fish diseases
蔡坤良:Current development of Aquaponics in Taiwan
朴门鱼菜:Application of Permaculture in small scale Aquaponics
紫藤:Lever-type flood and drain device
张献中:Integration of traditional farming into Home Aquaponics
生態黄:A Profitable Saline Aquaponics Hatchery and Fingerling system
高飞:Marketing of Aquaponics products
邱寒冰:Separation and Treatment of fish wastes
中山愚夫:All types of Siphons and Turtle Culture in Aquaponics
张骊:Large scale Aquaponics production systems
Stephen: Dual root zone & Flowering plants
Matthew: Integrated pest management in Aquaponics


Thanks for the info~!

Very interested and looking forward to attend the conference.
Hope all topics are available in English.